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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Dice up a sweet potato into an oven safe pan and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper, and whatever spices you like (I like to use paprika, chipotle, cayenne). 400 degree oven. After 25 minutes take it out, create some space, and crack some eggs in the space (may have to add a little more oil). Bake for 5-7min, depending in how done you like your eggs.

    Easy healthy breakfast that fits in one pan and doesn’t take too long. You can prep the sweet potatoes the night before and do other things while it cooks. I like to add an avocado too at the end.

  • If you just compare their administrations in terms of their material effect, Biden has objectively been more evil than Trump. He has started more wars, is responsible for magnitudes more death, has overseen further strengthening of the police state, and has gifted even more working-class wealth to the billionaire class.

    The lesson to draw is that no matter who is president, Amerikkka will continue to accelerate into fascism and barbarism.

  • As unsatisfying as it would be for the imperial core not to be subject to the same external horrors that they’ve inflicted on the rest of humanity, the world should not need to stoop to the level of the colonizers. The imperial core will continue to grow weaker as China and successive countries that develop continue to build an alternative model of global coexistence. These Western colonizers will then cannibalize their own and eventually succumb to the movements led by their own exploited populaces. At least, that’s the best case scenario for the world.

  • What is insane though is that libs won’t admit this is a Holocaust because it hasn’t reached those numbers yet. As if they need millions of people dead for Gazans to “earn” their empathy.

    Israel has already possibly surpassed Warsaw ghetto massacre numbers with no end in sight. And after the Warsaw Uprising the numbers increased dramatically. Not only that, they’re trying to instigate a regional war to settle more of the Middle East and Northern Africa, just like Germany did with Europe. Israel is fucking mimicking the Nazi playbook right before our all of our eyes.

  • And even then, Israel (and the West in general) has completely and permanently lost any facade of “civility.”. The aging imperialists in charge are trying to recycle the same strategies from Korea, Vietnam, Panama, East Timor, and so on, except this time the entire world is watching and remembering. These massacres aren’t just something being read about in the paper. These soldiers are gleefully making tiktoks of their depraved war crimes while a senile American president fails to gaslight the rest of world that its not happening.

    Even if the Palestinians are completely displaced from Gaza, it’s just a matter of time before the Israeli state is in ruins. The most powerful tool that imperialism has is the mask of legitimacy that upholds its narratives. And the US and Israel, as regimes in decline, will never be able to restore it. While things are pretty bleak and are bound to become more violent in the shorter term, the writing really is on the wall for the yankee empire.