• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023

  • In the winter growing up we had a big ol tomcat and he would get the winter blues when feet and feet of snow would fall, so we’d get a 5 gallon bucket, punch a hole at the base at one side and fill it with birdseed so it would pour out slowly and set it up against the snowbank. We dug a little cat hole in the snowbank that faced it and laid a warm blanket in there for him to sit and watch and hunt the birds and squirrels. We loved that old tomcat, I still have a painting I did of him. Mom would pick and dry flowers and put them in his bed under the layers of old clothes and he would sleep on it near the wood stove and dream of spring. Cats spend only a short time with us and we owe it to them to do anything possible to make their lives more joyous and fulfilling. Thank you, stranger, may you have many happy years with your cats.

  • Do you have any evidence at all that it could be a landslide? Your point of view suppresses the Harris vote, people stayed home in the 2016 election sure that Hilary was a surefire winner and then turned around and called her unpopular and unelectable. I can only assume you are intentionally sabotaging Harris’ chances with your feel-good highfiving.

    Harris has refused so far to support more popular Bernie-style politics and acts all smug about how well she did in that debate, and Democrats cluck their tounges at all the scandals and untruths that Republicans are going through - Republicans don’t care, think its funny and will stand by Trump to the ballot box and likely beyond.

    The election, if we’re lucky, will be won by Harris if you excuse the expression, by a cunt hair considering how election deniers have been packing the voting officer volunteer rolls and if you aren’t filled with cold dread at Kamala being literally left off the ballot in Montana and Georgia requiring hand counting of all the ballots before the day after the election, I don’t know what to tell you.

    Don’t fall prey to the wine-drunk good vibes of gala event liberals who believe they won’t really suffer much if Trump wins, and would rather have the short term reassuance now that we’re fine and nothing more needs to be done than put more effort into actually making that landslide happen. All of America is in deep water without a life jacket here.

  • He’s saving his energy for what he expects will be a win, he’s got a lot of powerful supporters and they’ll be using every trick in the book in the coming weeks. I’m to the point where any good news about Harris or mockery of Trump is infuriating as it puts Harris voters in a more confident position and will lead to lower turnout as they think she’s got a better than 50-50 chance, at best. Her campaign and her supporters need to be pulling out all the stops and pushing as hard as possible to the finish line rather than basking in their illusory lead.

  • Asidonhopo@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    7 days ago

    The Harris campaign better have more tricks up their sleeves, 50-50 isn’t good enough. More corporate reform to help labor out? Something widely popular that neither campaign is pushing. They aren’t really pushing a charm offensive like they should and are being more self-congratulatory and preaching to the choir.