• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Some android phones have the ability to long press on a notification, click on settings, and alter what kinds of notifications you receive. I’ve had a few instances like you describe, but where I’ve been able to turn off “special deals” or whatever. I think implementation of this is done by the app developer though, because I’m sure I’ve had some apps that had no useful settings. Example screenshot of Gmail settings:

  • Thanks for this comment, I hadn’t thought about it this way before. I had realised about how being gay is framed as a thing you do rather than a thing you are, because I have a friend who is an ex-benedictine monk, and they explained about how their vow of chastity meant they were basically “one of the good ones”. A large part of why they left was because their rhetoric was “everyone has sinful desires in them and turning away from those is an important challenge”, but the unspoken part was that his gayness made his desires extra bad, like there was just some innately bad thing in him.

    And of course they would apply this same logic to gender. As you say, it makes more sense when you try to see it from their angle. I think that’s important to do if we hope to ever refute them

  • I shouldn’t have left my previous statement without any elaboration — that was a pretty inflammatory comment to make and I apologise.

    When I say “gravity is a social construct”, part of what I’m getting at is that the natural world is distinct from scientific knowledge we create when attempting to model the natural world, and that our scientific knowledge is, by necessity, socially mediated.

    I like gravity as an example of this because of how fundamental it is: even animals have some level of intuitive understanding of gravity — they don’t need to understand what parabolic motion is to be able to demonstrate it when they jump over things.

    But also, our understanding of gravity has vastly changed over the years. In the 1800s, astronomers had measured Mercury’s orbit so precisely that they found it to be inconsistent with what Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity would predict, so they figured there had to be another planet closer to the Sun. Turns out there wasn’t though, and it was only after Einstein’s theory of relativity that Mercury’s weird orbit could be explained.

    They had good reason to guess that another planet was responsible for Mercury’s orbit though, because the same guy who made that guess (a French astronomer, Urbain le Verrier) had actually predicted the existence of Neptune just a few years earlier; he had used Newtonian gravity to analyse the orbit of Uranus and found that it was slightly off from what observers had been measuring, and deduced that there must be another planet that nobody had seen yet that was causing these perturbations.

    These two examples show two different ways that we can respond to experimental observations not matching with our theoretical understanding: sometimes it’s productive to assume our current theory is correct and that our observations are wrong or insufficient in some way, and sometimes we fix the disparity between what we see and what we know by amending our theories, like we did when we learned the limits of Newtonian gravity. Choosing which hypothesis to investigate is how science (and scientific knowledge) is socially constructed.

    Disclaimer: I’m a biochemist, not an astrophysicist, so talking about gravity isn’t my primary domain. Many of these ideas are articulated far better in this video essay by Dr Fatima (and I suspect some of my phrasing is subconsciously borrowed from this video — this is bad citation practice on my part)

  • Anki is incredible for learning, it’s one of my favourite tools.

    If you’re able to, make your own flashcards— it makes a huge difference. Bonus tip, if you’re making your own flashcards, it can be useful to use pictures rather than a language you already know for the answer. For example, if I was making a card for the word “apple” in French, I’d have one side saying “une pomme”, and another side with a picture of an apple. It makes it so that the new language isn’t mediated by English as much, and I’ve found I get better at thinking in that language much quicker (especially for languages with grammar that’s different to other languages I’ve studied)

  • I was just skimming over the judgement

    "The developer argued that, as regards the impact of the project on climate, the scope of the [Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)] […] need not include an assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions that would occur when the oil extracted from the wells was ultimately burnt elsewhere as fuel. The council accepted this approach [and granted planning permission]

    The claimant, a local resident, applied for judicial review of the council’s decision. She argued that the decision was unlawful because the EIA was required to, but did not, include an assessment of the combustion emissions."

    Props to the person who challenged the local council’s decision. No doubt she had a lot of support to do so, especially as this case travelled through the courts (even if she started the challenge without help, I would imagine legal support from climate activism organisations chipped in later), but it’s still a lot of work and stress to see something like this through. I wonder if she anticipated how far this would go, that this is now case law that is relevant in the global fight for climate action. I hope she and everyone else who worked for this feels proud of this achievement.

    Holding corporations and the government to account on existing regulations may not feel significant given how much more is necessary in the face of the climate crisis, but that’s all the more reason why it’s important that we fight to maintain the ground we’ve gained. This is a small step, but I am feeling quite heartened to learn of this.

    I resolve to keep an eye out for opportunities to challenge decisions like this in my area, because as this case has shown, when it comes to climate action (and inaction), decisions made at the local level ripple out and affect far more. I may not have the fortitude to see a complaint through to its end without forsaking my duty to take care of my own wellbeing, but I will aim to also look out for local climate action groups who can support people like me as we collectively push forwards (or, where I may be able to support people who are better poised to bring a legal challenge).