Adkml [he/him]

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Adkml [he/him]@hexbear.nettoWorld*Permanently Deleted*
    28 days ago

    Oh yea you’re really “opposing oppression” by giving unlimited weapons to famously corrupt self avowed neo nazis because they happen to be opposed to your geopolitical ally. The really impressive cognitive dissonance is describing literally anything America has done in the last 80 years as “opposing oppression”.

    You guys are the ones supporting press ganging 75 year olds and dropping them into the meat grinder so a bunch of pentagon consultants dont have to admit theyve been lying their ass off about every aspect of the war for years. How’s that for oppression.

    Also love to accuse the other person of trying to use “might makes right” arguments while actively trying to build a military alliance to surround Russia with nukes while calling them the aggressor.

  • First fucking sentance.

    Suggest if you don’t support Biden it’s because you don’t understand things.

    Third sentance dismisses all my criticisms as “non logical”

    Do you not realize how much of a condescending piece of shit you sound like.

    Also I notice you still haven’t been able to point to one fucking thing he’s done to actually oppose any of the bad shit he’s supposed to be the only one capable of stopping.

    That’s the big thing, 4 comments later you still haven’t been able to name one good thing he’s done but you’ve managed to still lecture and condescend in every one.

    “Fuck you you dumb asshole vote for me, no I expressly will not do anything you want and you’re an idiot if you think I even could do them”

    That message worked great in 2016, I can’t wait for you to get the exact results you deserve.

  • The main reason people hate Biden is because people like you keep insisting how great he is, and then when people list their very real complaints you have annexcuse for FUCKING EVERYTHING.

    And it happened last time too.

    Biden puts out campaign adds showing a signed $2000 check and runs on it as a stimulus check, gets elected, sends everybody $1400 and then lectures everybody who correctly says “Hey what the fuck” by telling them he never said that, you’re an idiot if you thought he did, and you should be really grateful to him.

    Take that exact approach, lying, lecturing, and co descending and apply it to literally every issue.

    That’s why hisnpoll numbers are shot, nobody believes a word he says because they’re they’re exact same fuxking lies he told 4 years ago, we voted for him, nothing got better and a lot of stuff got worse and the people advocating for him still simultaneously lecture you for saying he isn’t doing anything and have a long winded excuse for why he can’t do anything.

  • So to answer my original question no you literally can’t name a single thing they’re doing to oppose republicans but we have to vote for them to oppose republicans thank you for making my point crystal clear.

    Name one thing he did that was worse than what the republicans have done?

    Lmao OK sure here’s just the stuff from the last couple months

    Suggesting eliminating the asylum program and completely closing the border to refugees

    We’re currently drilling more oil than any country anywhere at anytime in history. Biden has exacerbated that by also putting massive tarrifs of renewable technology from other countries further ensuring were gonna blow by all emissions goals.

    Continuing his full throated support of an explicit genocide against Palestinians.

    Also yes, voting for so.ebody to elect them president does in fact mean you are endorsing his actions it also means you’re responsible for actions he takes if elected. It’s just you liberals are so deeply unserious you’ve convinced yourself “you don’t have to support him you just have to vote for him” isn’t the dumbest fucking thing you could try to say

  • Thank you for starting off your comment by saying I’m advocating for Trump and letting anybody that isn’t blue Maga know you are a deeply unserious person.

    I fucking hate Trump, my main critique of the dems is they’re incapable or more likely unwilling to meaningfully oppose them.

    You are like a small child just lashing out and then retreating to simple absolutes like “if anybody criticizes liberals for any reason you don’t have to listen to them because they’re just big meany Trump supporters”

    I wish that the logical conclusions of your political ideology that discards anybody who isnt immediatly useful would happen to you but since you’re a liberal I’m sure you’ll just keep smugly telling yourself everything is everybody else’s fault while stepping on the neck of the vulnerable you claim to care about.

    I don’t have words to express my level of disdain for you.

    Seriously if it turns out “genocide is bad” is a negotiable value if it’s too politically costly why should anybody believe you stand for anything.

    You realize you’re literally taking political hostages right?

    “Endorse my genocide of Palestinians or else the same thing could happen to you, other vulnerable minorities”

    Great coalition building strategy you’ve got there.

  • It’s still setting in how much this new tarrif on renewables pisses me off and I was just thinking I’m to the point I’m so fucking pissed at Biden and every stupid fucking move he makes that I’ve moved on from reasonable arguments and at thisnpoint my reaction to somebody trying to tell me Biden isn’t a huge piece of ahit is pretty much “suck my fucking cock you dumbshit fascist hypocrite”

    So in response to you insisting you’re not saying everybody has to vote for biden and then immediatly lecturing me when I pointed out that’s what youw are saying

    suck my fucking cock you dumbshit fascist hypocrite

    I hope Biden and every liberal who supports him gets hit by a bus.

    He completely failed so badly the cou try is going to swing to fascism because he literally failed to prevent a better alternative and every one of you useless dumbshit liberals who has been carrying water for him is to blame.

    I don’t give a shit if you try to say I’m to blame, I’ve watched for 20 years as you’ve blown every possible decision, emboldened fascism at every step, and even now are punching left harder than you are punching right.

    If you want to win the election stop being cartoonishly inept fascists and stop blaming the people who have been right about everything for the last 30 years while you’ve fucked them over while simultaneously lecturing them.

    I have more contempt for you than chuds because chuds are at least honest that they hate me and were opposed. You dipshits constantly stab me in the back while lecturing me for not thanking you hard enough.

    This country deserves nuclear hellfire.