They see like this all the time.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2021

  • His brain continues to turn to pudding. I’m convinced that him hinting he might drop out of the race was a small slip of him saying what he actually wants to do, deep down he’s just a tired,crazy old fuck. Then his handlers got in there and grabbed the reigns again and you see him do a 180 and say he’s absolutely not dropping from the race.

    There is a part of me that almost feels bad for him, as this is basically boiling down to elder abuse. Part of me also thinks this is absolutely the very minimal he deserves for a lifetime of evil and support of capitalism. Work you old fuck. Be tired and forced to stay awake for you masters. Be forced to work till your last breath.

  • The thing is, what happens to all those nukes when it implodes? They won’t just go away. So long as they exist and some member of the oligarchy is in power, the world is at threat from them. It doesn’t matter how decrepit the military is. Is doesn’t matter if we run out of conventional bombs, planes, etc. so long as those nukes exist and there’s not a definitive way to stop them, then the world just isn’t safe from the US… And I think they know it too. The US that is. They want a nuclear war so bad. Everything they do makes it seem more and more like they want it sooo bad, they just want the excuse to do it before the world, China, actually does develop a defense capable to stopping it.

  • Roasting should be reserved for actual stupid thoughts, arguments, etc. Things that come from a person’s decisions. Something they have control over. Roasting for things like looks, name, etc is lame, cheap shots, and lowers you. It’s one thing I never liked about Jon Stewart’s The Daily show. I watched him back when I was a lib/soc dem and even after going more commie I liked his show but I never liked when he made jokes on someone name or appearance. Shit they can’t really affect. It’s no different then other forms of discrimination based on someone appearance, race, etc. It why it’s ok to hate all Fascists but not ok to hate all of some race. Being a Fascist is a choice. Being a certain race is not. Same with roasting. People are born into their bodies and their names. You can’t really change them. (I mean you can change your name and get cosmetics surgery but you get the point right?) People can choose their thoughts and beliefs and change those.

  • Why does anyone expect a fascists state to rule in the workers favor? The will eventually make it illegal to not be a slave. People are going to end up going to extremes. If they make it illegal to strike and make you punishable in courts for it… Then at what point do people just start killing their boss instead?

    At least that’s what should happen… Unfortunately though, Americans are just too broken to actually do anything about it. Courts will eventually make it illegal to not be slaves to your corporation and people will just roll over for them.

  • From what I understand they did this on some other platform year ago and still there no real work around. Twitch maybe? Idk. The developer of sponsor block straight up said there is nothing they can do about them and the various anti-ad communities on Reddit are pretty much confirming that there’s no way to block them. They MAY figure something out eventually but this is going to really mess things up for a while.