A grand jury in Georgia that has been investigating former President Donald Trump over his efforts to undo the 2020 election results in that state has returned an indictment, though it was not immediately clear against whom.

UPDATE: Link to the indictment which includes 19 total defendants charged under 41 counts.

  • Unaware7013@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Oh man, the response he posted to his lie.social account is fucking hilarious. tHeY CoUlD HaVfE BrOuGhT ThIs tWo aNd a hAlF YeArS AgO and iNtEnTiOnAlLy sLoW-WaLkEd iNvEsTiGaTiOnS as if he hasn’t been fighting all of these investigations every step of the way.

    Also, I think he’s getting tired, he forgot to come up with a braindead nickname for AG James