A bizarre racist outburst at a Texas school board isn’t an isolated event — it’s part of a national pattern

  • glockenspiel@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    They are definitely turning on Jesus and have been for quite some time now. There is an interesting statement from the former head of SBC wherein he states churchgoers are finding Jesus’ supposed teachings as being too woke and part of a liberal agenda. Can’t make this up. It was only a matter of time.

    But Jesus also didn’t like mixing. That is why he instructed the apostles and other adherents to never teach gentiles and Samaritans. That was retconned years later by the church because they said people had visions of a resurrected jesus commanding them to mix with gentiles. But for a while there it was very much a racial/ethno in-group only. That is why Jesus supposedly stated he taught in parables; so gentiles wouldnt understand what he was talking about and find salvation. That is what Matthew 13:11-17 is about.

    People need to stop characterizing Jesus as some socialists woke advocate like I see in this thread. His character wasn’t. He didn’t preach universal love and compassion, and he taught contradictory messages about pacifism probably because dozens of people created this character over centuries.

    I honestly think people want to think the religion can’t be that bad and that the adherents are just awful.

    • ryry1985@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Many scholars believe that the reason they were told to not preach to Samaritans and Gentiles was that his disciples were not ready to face cross cultural rejection. This is because of their earlier exposure to this rejection by Samaritans in which they wanted to respond by fire and brimstone. Jesus rebuked this response then. Later on, he instructs them to make disciples of all nations.

      The passages in Matthew are referring to those that do not listen to his teachings (by choice), not the Gentiles. He’s saying they will not receive his blessings if they do not listen and learn from his teachings.