• OpenStars@discuss.online
    10 months ago

    When Reddit began its collapse, Lemmy really was not quite ready, but it was roughly in beta stage, so it was close enough, plus the influx of programmers helped spur its development into high-gear, including mobile apps and all sorts of back- and front-end work.

    kbin on the other hand was still in alpha stage, and then Ernst had all those family/health/personal problems, while at the same time refusing to let anyone share even minimal control of the project (reportedly?) - he also had a similar influx of programmers, who literally fixed problems that then just sat there in the code repositories, waiting for Ernst to look over & approve them. I liked the philosophy and look of kbin better, but c’mon, I’ve waited since July or whenever it was (e.g. I just tried to look that up to confirm the date, but ofc even multiple attempts I cannot b/c it will not connect to the server), and it is basically still in the alpha stage even now. I stopped recommending it soon after joining, starting actively warning people away soon thereafter, and finally decided to be the change I needed to see in the world, and switch. Without an account switching process, it has taken me HOURS to find and set things up, and I still am not entirely done:-( - thus even if kbin decides to fix itself, I doubt I would want to invest in all of that again in order to switch back. I wish kbin luck in its future endeavors but… it does seem unlikely to change its ways anytime soon at this point, tbh. As the famous saying goes, “When someone tries to tell you who they are, it is best to listen to them the first time.”

    About “well my vote doesn’t matter,” - tbh that’s actually true though, in one narrow sense at least. From the numerical standpoint, if you live in a county that always votes one way, then whether you vote or not or whoever you decide to vote for, literally will not influence anything at all. More to the point, you need to do heavy research prior to voting especially in the primaries. e.g. I was drawn to Bernie Sanders, but after hearing what people such as Obama had to say about him, am perhaps glad that he did not win the primary? He is authentic like a prophet, but could he make the tough decisions that a King (in our case President but the quote related it in Old Testament Biblical terminology) must sometimes make? Plus, there is a goodly chance that him running on the Dems ticket could have turned the middle-ground folks to Donald Trump on the Repub ticket? After like a year of studying him, I understand the whole situation much better, but back when I first heard about him I was working 80-hr weeks and then lost my job so… I could have made a decision that I would later regret? i.e., I am saying that it is not so simple as “we must all go out and vote” - in order to be proper CITIZENS we must first prepare ourselves to become good leaders of the nation, and THEN do the proper research, before we finally VOTE to help select the course that literally the entire nation will be following for many many years to come. It does no good to skip those first two steps and THEN vote, and conversely it really does active harm if in doing so we hollow ourselves out to become the puppets of whoever it is whose thoughts we decide to echo as if they were our own, e.g. if we watch Faux News and then vote according to what THEY say, instead of what we KNOW to be true ourselves. In the latter approach, we do harm by converting the nation from a democracy of informed citizenry into a plutocracy where whoever buys the largest media coverage wins the election. So… I know this is an unpopular opinion, but if all the people who don’t know shit would STOP voting, I thnk this would be a much better place, overall! And yes, I include myself in that as well, especially my past self that knew less than I do now - but also my future one, if e.g. I get busy and do not put in the proper time to study the situation, then wouldn’t it be better to recuse myself from voting in that particular instance, than to just take a wild guess? That’s not how doctors do surgery, or scientists/engineers do their thing, that’s not how soldiers advance on the battlefield, or cops patrol an area - there, when you pull a gun, you know that you better mean it. And those jobs all require years… or at least days of training, so why is it that we push people to vote, without asking anything more of them at all? To be fair, probably it was implicit in your statement to “get out and vote”, but I think most people today - all the way from the youngest up to the most senior - have culturally and collectively forgotten that original meaning, and now we just watch TV and vote however it says we should, on both sides.

    Plus then there’s the aspect that dumb people still feel frustration - bless their hearts, but they do, and yet they do not know how to deal with it. Even if they vote, they still KNOW that that is not enough… to stop all the badness that the “other side” will do. It is a very effective psychological weapon that is used against the most vulnerable in our society. Who then also are the most likely to turn to violence. Perhaps the real crime is not even them, or at least not only them, but those who put out those calls to violence in the first place? Oh but wait, that is “protect free speech” - and yet… is it, is it really, when it is designed to cause violence & death, and then it actually causes violence & death, almost like the call somehow caused the response? If only facts actually mattered, then something might be done about it! But sadly, they do not, in this corrupt environment:-(.

    To me strength and “toughness” come from being intelligence and listening to each other and working against the idea that it’s OK to act like a spoiled brat if things don’t always go your way.

    Is it okay if I say that I agree with you 1000% there? (something, I mean I know that is not mathematically possible but… it certainly feels like it:-P)