I’m a software dev and one of my coworkers is a hunt and peck typist. I couldn’t function that way. He’s actually incredibly fast though, so it works for him. Definitely wouldn’t for me.
I’ve been practicing this. In 30 years when computer input is primarily voice and touchscreens, we’ll be the only ones left. It’ll be like knowing how to use Morse code with a wireless telegraph.
Touch typing.
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I’m a software dev and one of my coworkers is a hunt and peck typist. I couldn’t function that way. He’s actually incredibly fast though, so it works for him. Definitely wouldn’t for me.
I had to look it up, but chorded input? What made you switch to it? Interest or necessity?
do birds fly? do ducks duck?
I’ve been practicing this. In 30 years when computer input is primarily voice and touchscreens, we’ll be the only ones left. It’ll be like knowing how to use Morse code with a wireless telegraph.
Fun fact: My left hand is on gamer pose wasd for typing (not to f position). Doesn’t really hinder me from speedy touch typing.
I’m more of a QWER gamer.