Most of the time when people say they have an unpopular opinion, it turns out it’s actually pretty popular.

Do you have some that’s really unpopular and most likely will get you downvoted?

    1 year ago

    Living near a rural area in Australia, my unpopular opinion is the cows bread for meat in the whole area are living beautiful lives. Roaming in lovely paddocks, with good food, care and medical taken care of. They’re happy, healthy and live an enviable life. Not sure what it’s like where you’re from, but generally here farmers really look after the animals.

      1 year ago

      I’m gonna go out on a limb here, considering you’re on, and assume you understand how capitalism works. You also know how the exploitation of the planet, the minoritized, and the worker class works.

      Why in the world would things somehow magically be different when it comes to animals? They are resources with very little rights. Any and all suffering that increases profit is MANDATORY under capitalism. It’s a huge billion dollar industry, why in the world would they suddenly be any nicer than every other industry?

      More importantly, they exploit actual humans, with acutal rights, that can actually talk, every single day. It’s insanity to believe they wouldn’t treat animals, who can’t speak and have less rights, well.

      To your example: My grandparents are land lords. They’re really nice. By your logic, every landlord is therefore nice and I shouldn’t ever question their existence.

        1 year ago

        haha, looks like I had an actual unpopular opinion. Here’s a little story to help set what it’s like here in Australia, one of the world’s large beef producers.

        I was driving through an area that had recent flooding, trying to see if I could cut about 800KM off my trip, by cutting through a regional / rural area.

        I came to a road, which I wanted to take, that was cut off from the floods. There was a farmer there. I stopped to ask him if there was any way I could proceed.

        There was not. He was upset and on edge. I asked if he was ok. He nearly cried. He told me his cows were trapped in an area which was flooded, and they might be dead if the high ground went under. He then did cry and was geniunely distraught for the wellbeing of those animals. There was just nothing to be done. Thousands of acres of land underwater, no way out and his pain for the cows was real.

        Farmers are not these crazed psychopaths that you make out. Maybe in some parts of the world? Maybe? People usually like their jobs though, do them with pride and want to do the best they can. Particularly when animals are involved.

        This is not one farmer, like your analogy with a landlord. This is a nationwide industry, that is full of good people, providing a great environment for these animals, as a whole. Sure, there will always be a shonky operator, as there are in all walks of life. But, by and large, you are incorrect, and wildly so. At least in Australia.