Think about how you have treated both strangers and people you know to answer this question accurately. e.g.: If you say you like people but constantly avoid talking or doing any activity with other people do you actually like people?

    11 months ago

    People in general are idiots. People in large groups are even bigger idiots. Most organized groups of people are assholes.

    However, individuals can be quite lovely. Or they can be like the above listing; idiots and/or assholes. Individually, I don’t mind the risk of running into the unpleasant ones too much. There’s always the chance that I’ll run into the pleasant ones, so I don’t automatically avoid individuals.

    But groups? Fuck that shit, not without multiple weapons on me and a clear escape route. Even online, once got get groups going, the tide shifts to idiotic assholery at quantum speeds. It takes effort to not do it, and most people are too damn lazy to be decent online.

    What’s funny? People irl fucking like me. I’m chill on the surface, I’m friendly and polite. I’m outright fucking charming. But that comes along with the assholes and idiots (or idiotic assholes) thinking that I’m the same kind of person they are, and showing their real self.

    And that’s even with the fact that I don’t shake hands, and enforce a personal space of about four feet, just beyond arm’s reach unless I have no other choice. Assertively enforced at that. I’ll calmly and politely state that I prefer strangers stay far enough away that they can’t touch me, nor I them. And they fucking like that! The few that take it as a joke and decide to press it get stopped gently, and told that I’ll have to assume they mean me harm if they don’t stop. And they like that!

    It’s fucking crazy.

    I’m not saying everyone always likes me, but it’s a rare thing when I don’t end up listening to people I just met, often until I have to assert the fact that I need to leave because my body can’t handle it.

    I don’t mind that, it just always surprises me how willing people are to show their ugliest sides so often. Like, the decent people, you expect because people tend to want to be liked. But the casual racism is so fucking common. The political rants that turn into literal spit flying from mouths.

    People are fucking idiots and/or assholes. But it is just so damn rewarding when you find the ones that aren’t, or at least try not to be. When you find those people, you fucking cherish it.

    So, in general, I don’t like people, no.