Was reminded how Epstien not killing himself was/is so accepted yet it’s still a conspiracy theory. Is there any similar ones you guys believe to be completely true ?

  • TheDoozer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s interesting that the big “revelations” of conspiracy are things we jokingly referenced and always kind of knew:

    Movie executives forcing women to sleep with them or be sexually assaulted to be able to work in the industry.

    The catholic church sexually abusing children and covering it up.

    Buying votes and Supreme Court judgements.

    So what are we joking about now but not doing anything about? Russia owning an entire political party through blackmail? The Left is indoctrinating and grooming kids into thinking that their assigned-at-birth gender might not be their real gender and that non-heterosexual and nonmonogamous relationships are as legitimate as those Ordained By God and that pregnancy planning, prevention, and terminating is a women’s health care issue between them and their doctor and nobody else (I mean… yeah. I guess that conspiracy is openly true and not really a conspiracy but an openly stated goal, and not that we should be trying to prevent or stop it).