I don’t mean system files, but your personal and work files. I have been using Mint for a few years, I use Timeshift for system backups, but archived my personal files by hand. This got me curious to see what other people use. When you daily drive Linux what are your preferred tools to keep backups? I have thousands of pictures, family movies, documents, personal PDFs, etc. that I don’t want to lose. Some are cloud backed but rather haphazardly. I would like to use a more systematic approach and use a tool that is user friendly and easy to setup and program.

  • SymbolicLink@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Restic and borg are the best I’ve tried for remote, encrypted backups.

    I personally use Restic for my remote backups and rsync for my local.

    Restic beats out borg for me because there are a lot more compatible storage options.