Sen. Tommy Tubervilleā€™s spokesperson asked anti-abortion groups to ā€œmake clearā€ GOP senators risk primary challenges if they support an effort to overcome his military holds over a Pentagon abortion policy, according to an email obtained by POLITICO.

The email, written by Tubervilleā€™s communications director Steven Stafford from his Senate email address, made clear that the Alabama Republicanā€™s staff is worried that at least nine Republicans might join with Democrats to pass a resolution that would allow the Senate to bypass Tubervilleā€™s holds. It was sent on Oct. 26, after news broke that senators were going to release a resolution that would allow the Senate to more easily stop Tubervilleā€™s holds on more than 300 nominees up for military promotions.

    10 months ago

    Thisā€¦ doesnā€™t seem like it would work - ā€œSenator blahdeblah voted for 300 military promotions and also abortions are bad and for some complicated reason we canā€™t explain in a 30-second clip those two things have something to do with each other, so anyway please vote for me, a sentient pair of truck nuts, insteadā€