Craig Mokhiber, director of human rights body, accuses the US, UK and much of Europe as ‘wholly complicit in the horrific assault’

    1 year ago

    The support of the US, the UK, France, Germany and some smaller European countries like Austria needs to be constantly pointed out, as does their profound, two-weights two-measures, hypocrisy when you look at their differing postures on the situation in Ukraine vs the situation in Palestine.

    This would never have happenned (including Hamas’ terrorist attacks) if Israel had long ago been hit with sanctions for not abiding to the UN-agreed borders and their Appartheid state, just like South-Africa was (interestingly, the UK back then also “unwaveringly” supported the Appartheid regime in SA) until they changed their ways, and even now that it has happenned, the continued “unwavering” provision of material, information and even diplomatic support to an Israel already commiting Genocide means the leaders of those nations - and by extension the nations themselves (all of which are supposedly democracies) - share the blame for this Genocide.

    There are and always will be nations that fall to Fascism like Israel, and whilst fascists applying their “Strength is the only way” view of the world by acting in violent ways without any moral considerations is their choice and hence their fault, the entirety of the fault is not only theirs: those who provide cover and support the fascists are also to blame for freeing them to act as they do, and worse, those supporting the fascists in their exercise of violence are de facto accomplices in their violent deeds - they might not be the one “holding the knife” in the murder but they certainly provided it knowing what it was going to be used for.