Some people, communicating via satellite phones, have described the attack as the “heaviest bombardment yet,” according to independent journalist Sharif Kouddous.

“People can’t call ambulances or civil defense. We are being bombed in an unprecedented manner,” said an unidentified journalist at a Gaza hospital, according to a translation by The Nation’s Palestinian correspondent, Mohammed El-Kurd. “The sky around us just lights up [with explosions], and no one knows what’s going on.”

    1 year ago

    Israel is responsible for the Palestinians dead, not Hamas.

    And there is a chance Israel will be held responsible for this, as it should work. It won’t work like that with hamas, and this is wrong.

    The question is whether they are justified in killing the Palestinians.

    I don’t think it works like that. They are justified in defending against and trying to prevent terrorists attacks. History shows it is somewhat effective. What hamas does though, is shown as not effective, from what I understand. Therefore it can’t be justified.

    It is a war crime to kill indiscriminately without care to avoid civilian casualties.

    It’s not Israel’s actions but hamas’ actions and attitude that makes you think what’s happening can be called “killing indiscriminately”. Usually when you are at war you try to protect your citizens and keep them away from any war actions. It goes without saying that it doesn’t how hamas sees the world. They think they can spend zero resources on protection and use collateral damage as a weapon by saying “hey look how many of us they killed, it’s unfair because we killed less”. This logic is flawed. If they could they’d kill many more. If they could they’d kill every single jew - that’s what they publicly declared in their manifest basically. Israel is much different from that and we can’t assume they’d kill every Palestinian if they could.

    Again, one side being terrible doesn’t make the other good. Look at the statistics of how many Israel is died versus how many Palestinians. Your logic that Israel has a right to defend itself goes both ways.

    See above where I explained the difference in deaths and why it’s only natural. Hamas does not defend itself, it only uses hostages as live shields. Also tunnels. Tunnels under hospitals too, probably.

    Yes Israel closed the border. And cut off supplies of food water and medical supplies. Thousands of children are being treated in hospitals for burns covering over 40% of their bodies with no available general anesthesia.

    It should not be the responsibility of Israel to provide resources to Gaza if Gaza did nothing to try to become independent. Yes, this can be judged and I’ll let all responsible people and representatives to do the judgement. But hamas produced rockets, not anesthesia. This is cruelty and inhumane.

    Guess who stifled funding for their competition? Israel, or more specifically, Netamyahu. There has been calls for a Palestine state for decades, including negotiations with USA helping intervene. They were abandoned due to both sides not budging.

    You can’t blame one person for a failure of the whole state to become a proper country. If it takes that little to do so much then Palestine is in no shape to do anything and they must improve their situation first.

    You say that Hamas is the government then ignore the problems with legitimacy of Hamas. You ignore that the Palestinians want to be a state but most other countries refuse to recognize it.

    Figure out why then try to fix it?

    They already consider themselves a state.

    With how reliant they are on the rest of the world, I doubt this consideration can be viewed seriously by anyone.

    Youre not following logic or using similar metrics for each side

    I mean, one side is a country with relatively serious army and the other one is controlled by terrorists who declare they will rid the world of a whole nation, build nothing but missiles and tunnels, use hostages and demand the whole world to fund and protect them. Metrics are different, yes. Maybe if hamas starts doing something logical we’ll talk.