Is anyone able to point me in the right direction to solve this issue please?

I installed the nvidia-beta drivers (Arch) and tested out Starfield. All is good. Then next time I try to startx, I get X failed to start etc.

Following the logs I get to:

` [ 1711.739] (II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver 545.23.06 Sun Oct 15 17:26:55 UTC 2023

[ 1711.740] (EE) NVIDIA: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. Please see the

[ 1711.740] (EE) NVIDIA: system’s kernel log for additional error messages and

[ 1711.740] (EE) NVIDIA: consult the NVIDIA README for details.


Wierd. Install nvidia instead, y to remove conflicts/nvidia-utils etc, and it’s all working. Try to install beta drivers again, same issue, rebooted, etc.

The beta drivers definitely did work. But now they magically aren’t.

Any tips?

I did try running sudo mkinitcpio -P but no change.

    1 year ago

    [ 1711.740] (EE) NVIDIA: system’s kernel log for additional error messages and

    Maybe try this then? Kernel log can be read via

    $sudo dmesg


    $journalctl -k

    I’d recommend journalctl, best to also append -b to only get the kernel logs for the current boot

    For easier navigation enter a / and input nvidia, this will search your journal. Press n to go to the next result and shift + n to go to the previous one