the U.S. military has the distinction of being the only U.S. government agency to have never passed a comprehensive audit.

The Navy plans to expand its ship production in an effort to maintain an edge over China, with a particular focus on a new attack submarine and destroyer ship.

Ah, there it is.

    2 years ago

    Another attack submarine??? So soon after the utter disaster that the Seawolf Class was? Well if anything a project like that is a good way to burn tens of billions without doing a single second of work.

    Also what happened to the Zumwalt class destroyer? Guess the Navy’s ugly little disaster is already on the chopping block before even having the first mainline ship laid down. To bad the project only costed 50 billion dollars of vanished money.

      2 years ago

      Also what happened to the Zumwalt class destroyer?

      They planned like 50 of them, ultimately they will build 3 i think, of which first one seriously broke during trials, and again on maiden voyage, in the Panama Channel no less, blocking it. To add even more fun, whomever designed this stellar piece of engineering, didn’t included a way to replace the engine so they had to dismantle quarter of the ship to fix it. Also the class was designed to house multiple revolutionary new weapon and defense systems of which most if not all is either not as revolutionary, already not cutting edge or simply not ready because of enormous corruption in the MIC and USN.

      It’s probably the most embarrassing ship failure since HMS Captain.