The Swiss People’s Party (SVP), which centered its campaign on anti-immigrant rhetoric, is projected to win 29 percent of the vote, up from 25.6 percent four years ago and higher than pre-election polls. It has been the country’s largest party since 2003.

    11 months ago

    I’m accusing you of being a center-left “smart Democrat” who blames right wing radicalization of the populace based on deep seated and enduring prejudices on “progressives”. I did briefly look at your comment history and just a page in you’re once again making a straw man about progressives while prefacing it with “I’m as liberal as it gets”. And all while capping this response with a “PC culture” complaint that’s more or less saying “woke mind virus”. It’s basically just early Bill Maherism.

    And I’ll reiterate again that your blame the left comment for anti-immigrant prejudice is in response to an article where none of the immigration positions of the left parties were even mentioned.