I have come across many weird porn videos, gore etc. but a few times I have come across something that isn’t that disturbing but uncanny. A random login page on a dark web site, a random comment on some sports blog seemingly written to conceal something. What are the things you have seen?

  • Maharashtra@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You may try to download this archive and check it for the thread. With some luck, it’s there…

    What little I remember is that it happened on /x/ (obviously) and either the thread or the guy in talking was named “Vault Dweller”. It was taking place so long ago that the name didn’t result with immediate “hue, hue, hue, BASEMENT DWELLER, morelike” responses. The story wasn’t very complicated, but the guy sounded tired, very tired, like someone on the edge of collapse, or resigned. He claimed that he feels some presence there, in the structure he always lands in when he falls asleep, but he didn’t encounter nothing, just empty spaces.