I’m wondering what everyone else thinks is in our future as Canadians?
Do we think Trump is going to be stupid enough to try to invade Canada or redraw border lines?
Will the trade war continue for years or will Trump wuss out like last time?
We we continue to buy US products after they’ve now screwed us a second time?
I know I’m in the camp that whatever happens, I’m planning on completely excluding the USA from my life as much as possible.
How? By waving little round signs? By holding sing-alongs? By getting outraged whenever anyone doesn’t like the latest Disney movie? What gives you the impression that anyone on the American left would be willing to expend the kind of effort and sacrifice necessary to mount a serious revolt?
I feel and share your rage about the inaction by the American mainstream left.
My hunch that they’d change their tune before allowing their country to engage in outright war with Canada is nothing more than combination of a hunch and naive optimism.
We certainly can’t bank on my hunch — we need to prepare as if you’re correct.