That’s exactly the type of stereotype I was refuting. Some states have life expectancy similar to developed countries and some are more like developing, and I’ll bet preventable heart disease is the leading cause of death everywhere.
And I’m saying that’s looking for a reason to be helpless. The behavioral differences between educated and uneducated are shockingly small. Regardless of your education, you (AA5B) are probably doing the same stupid things, some of which you know you shouldn’t be doing, but you keep doing them because of cultural conditioning. Leading to your own predictable, preventable death. That’s hard to cope with and there are entire industries dedicated to helping people find a reason to be helpless and just accept their situation, when they could easily change. And some do.
Preventable heart disease is the leading cause of death in every US state, but not of every nation. It is not the leading cause of death in Japan, and nearly that alone enables them to have one of the highest life expectancy of any nation. Any two US states are more alike each other than they are a healthy country.
That’s exactly the type of stereotype I was refuting. Some states have life expectancy similar to developed countries and some are more like developing, and I’ll bet preventable heart disease is the leading cause of death everywhere.
And I’m saying that’s looking for a reason to be helpless. The behavioral differences between educated and uneducated are shockingly small. Regardless of your education, you (AA5B) are probably doing the same stupid things, some of which you know you shouldn’t be doing, but you keep doing them because of cultural conditioning. Leading to your own predictable, preventable death. That’s hard to cope with and there are entire industries dedicated to helping people find a reason to be helpless and just accept their situation, when they could easily change. And some do.
Preventable heart disease is the leading cause of death in every US state, but not of every nation. It is not the leading cause of death in Japan, and nearly that alone enables them to have one of the highest life expectancy of any nation. Any two US states are more alike each other than they are a healthy country.