And of course it’s updated with new versions a few times every year or so. So the Deathstalker Pro from the end of 2024 is actually better in many respects than the Deathstalker Ultra from 2022, but you’ll have to check the fine print on the box to make sure you’re getting the updated QD-OLED version, and not the older AMOLED version. If it has 220 Hz rather than 240 Hz it should be the newer model. Unless you live in South America, in which case they all use WOLED displays, though the specifications are the same so you have no way of knowing without opening it.
White OLED, every pixel uses a white OLED “backlight” to make the light and RGBW color filters to make the colors. It’s one solution to some of shortcomings of earlier OLED technology like color degradation.
Just give it a cool name like Deathstalker and put that information on the box.
This guy gets it
Then release Deathstalker Pro, Deathstalker Max and Deathstalker Ultra so that it’s easier for the users to know the difference
And of course it’s updated with new versions a few times every year or so. So the Deathstalker Pro from the end of 2024 is actually better in many respects than the Deathstalker Ultra from 2022, but you’ll have to check the fine print on the box to make sure you’re getting the updated QD-OLED version, and not the older AMOLED version. If it has 220 Hz rather than 240 Hz it should be the newer model. Unless you live in South America, in which case they all use WOLED displays, though the specifications are the same so you have no way of knowing without opening it.
🤨🤨 What is WOLED
White OLED, every pixel uses a white OLED “backlight” to make the light and RGBW color filters to make the colors. It’s one solution to some of shortcomings of earlier OLED technology like color degradation.
Why does it need a “name” at all.
I just say “I have the Alienware ultrawide OLED” and if anyone cares, the exact model number gives information and is very distinct and googleable.
You can google for “AW3423DWF” very easily and know youve found the right monitor for reviews etc.
Googling for “Macbook Pro” reviews, for example… a pain in the ass.