Really really bad idea plumbing systems for sewage and for wastewater are different in some countries and this could cause a lot of issues not to talk about the fact that the pipes for your shower are most likely way smaller than the pipes for your bathroom making them more likely to get clogged even if you waffle stomp it.
Well Belgium obviously developed their system for it from the ground up, while the rest of us are stuck with bad design decisions that result in the clogs.
Really really bad idea plumbing systems for sewage and for wastewater are different in some countries and this could cause a lot of issues not to talk about the fact that the pipes for your shower are most likely way smaller than the pipes for your bathroom making them more likely to get clogged even if you waffle stomp it.
then you get out the poop knife.
I’m so glad the culinary world and the fecal world are getting closer, post by post
the circle is complete
It’s only a problem if you don’t waffle stomp it properly, duh
Well Belgium obviously developed their system for it from the ground up, while the rest of us are stuck with bad design decisions that result in the clogs.
Clogs are Dutch
The French manage to keep their crêpe together.