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Well a jailbroken device is “open”, and the exploit has been well documented, so as a user and developer of open source software for several decades and knowing just how poorly open source software is generally documented I thought I’d make a little joke.
Of course, this is the internet and not everyone has the same sense of humour.
If you open your CPU up to a jailbreak by being a dumkopf, does that really count as Open Source?
Not sure what you’re getting at here. A microcode exploit and open source software have nothing to do with each other.
Well a jailbroken device is “open”, and the exploit has been well documented, so as a user and developer of open source software for several decades and knowing just how poorly open source software is generally documented I thought I’d make a little joke.
Of course, this is the internet and not everyone has the same sense of humour.
In other words, it’s a joke … laugh.