Norwegian fuel company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced it will cease supplying fuel to U.S. military forces in Norway and American ships docking in Norwegian ports, citing dissatisfaction with recent U.S. policy towards Ukraine.
Norwegian fuel company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced it will cease supplying fuel to U.S. military forces in Norway and American ships docking in Norwegian ports, citing dissatisfaction with recent U.S. policy towards Ukraine.
Go ? Make your dream a reality ? The propaganda… You’re the one praising an authoritarian regime, you are the propaganda.
Did not say USA are good. Reminder of your comment :
Which is ridiculous. No country is perfect but only a fool can call China, Brazil and India the real adults.
Ah yes, thank you fat neck bearded white man. Thank you clearing up objective propaganda since you know and only know the objective truth. You said, move to china, I said, I wanna and have been there unlike you, who watched YouTube videos for some loser coping cus someone is threatening the absolute global dominance of America even slightly.