Previously using 2 synology devices - one at my home location for NAS duties and another at a remote location for an off-site backup destination. I had a small army of nucs doing various hosting things. This worked well. But as many who self host can appreciate - just because it works doesn’t mean you can’t burn it all down and try something else. That’s where I am. I’m now running everything on a dell r720 server running proxmox and truenas. I have a nuc at the destination with proxmox hosting a VM of windows and Ubuntu. I would like to mostly recreate the back up solution of the synology - which is basic incremental file backups on a schedule with or without versioning. And ideally I’d like to run this through a wireguard (or similar) tunnel to avoid opening up too many ports at the destination.

I’ve tried some things but can get anything to reliably work (or work at all).

Open for suggestions.

    1 year ago

    restic and duplicacy are decent backup tools that support a lot of backends. rsnapshot is also pretty good for simple backups.

    I have two backups running. rsnapshot all servers to my NAS. Then backup the NAS to backblaze with duplicacy.

    This gives me fast local backups that are shorter-term and easier to fetch single files from with an off-site “oh shit” option that I keep longer-term backups on.

    Script everything. It’s easy to get something wrong and not notice.