The point for this post is to start several (hopefully) interesting threads of weird hamster death stories because apparently these things never die naturally?

  • 🇨🇦
    1 month ago

    We brought back a hamster for our daughter without realizing she was pregnant. After having a giant litter, we gave them all away…or at least we thought we did? A day or two later, I saw a wiggling in the shavings and out pops a head. Our eyes locked momentarily before she dived back down.

    Definitely the runt of the litter. Had all sorts of paranoia and cowered under things for most of her life. She was maybe a year old when my daughter came running up. “Guys, you gotta see Hester!” We rushed over and there she was, hanging from the bars at the top of the cage and swinging arm-to-arm across.

    We were so happy for her, finally getting past her inhibitions and leading her best hamster life. Then she was curled up dead the next morning.