Kerik’s been to prison before. He doesn’t want to go again.

    1 year ago

    Scott Hall’s plea deal was:

    • Dropped from seven felonies to five misdemeanors
    • $1000 fine and 12 months probation per misdemeanor (served consecutively, and after 30 months, probation reverts to non-reporting)
    • Letter of apology to the State of Georgia
    • Agreement to provide truthful and complete testimony in relation to this case
    • No travel restrictions

    Hall’s flip was an indicator to all the other defendants, witnesses, potential witnesses, defense attorneys, and pretty much all sentient life in the universe, that the DA wants cooperation, and is willing to be very generous in order to get it.

    While Hall’s charges were dropped to misdemeanors under a “first offense” guideline, Kerik is not currently charged with anything, although he is definitely known as a co-conspirator. It is reasonable for Kerik to seek some kind of immunity (there are various levels) in exchange for full testimony, so long as those potential charges are looming - otherwise he would have no choice but to plead the fifth, and then possibly end up being charged anyway. He’s got nowhere else to go than negotiating immunity from prosecution and giving full testimony. Hall was the first domino, Kerik is looking like he’ll be the second, much larger domino.

    Since Hall pleaded guilty to misdemeanor conspiracy charges, there is a conspiracy, and his is specifically about Coffee County voting machine fuckery. I expect that Sidney Powell and Misty Hampton are right next in line for being the next dominos to fall. Hampton would probably go first; Hall’s flip should have been enough for her to do the same, because she’s relatively low on the totem pole. Powell is higher, and may wait to see how Kerik’s deal gets worked out before also finishing her negotiation.

    Shit’s about to get real.