• fubo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Not just drug use. Shelters don’t let you keep your stuff there during the day. They don’t let you keep your dog who’s been with you on the street. They don’t let you stay with your buddy or partner. They don’t even assure you a bed two nights in a row. So going into one can immediately lose you a lot, in exchange for only one night’s dubious protection.

    I’m the libs. I say build bathrooms. Find ways to legalize camps and make them safer and more sanitary. Nobody’s ever gonna lift themselves out of poverty if the government comes along every few weeks and takes all their personal property away.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I think you will like to hear this- we live in a small city, Terre Haute, Indiana. However, we still have a significant homeless problem.

      That’s not the good part. Here is the good part- my wife is an administrator here at the public library system. They are currently building a new library branch. It will include a signup required, one person at a time shower and washer/dryer free for anyone who wants to use them. Obviously the hope is that the local homeless will take advantage of the situation, but anyone can.

      I hope more libraries follow suit. You can’t lift someone out of poverty if they have dirty clothes and haven’t showered in a month either.

      Now here’s the question: If our town can do it, why can’t Portland?