im 100% canadian, I dont live in the US and wondering about your system.
so as i understand your political system, a president can only hold office 2 terms. in Trumps case, he served once already, does that mean he can only serve one more, or is the clock reset and he gets a shot at 8 years?
Short of congress changing the law or a successful coup, neither of which are necessarily off the table, yes these next four years will be Trump’s last in office. Who knows what either party will have to offer in 2028.
Thankfully it is not a law and congress can’t change it. It’s the 22nd amendment to the constitution and thus would require 3/4 of the states to ratify a change. A coup is more likely.
Or the Supreme Court makes something up about why it doesn’t count
I’d call that a coup!
A rare palace coup, perhaps?