More dataisdepressing than dataisbeautiful

  • 🇦🇺𝕄𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕕𝕚𝕝𝕖
    16 days ago

    I knew it as soon as I read your ‘Tate is right’ bullshit.

    So men have no issues and the only reason men are listening to tate is cos they are hatfull evil bastards?

    Yes. Men had all the political power in the countries that turned to fascism in the past. If you knew any history this would be obvious.

    Im so happy to learn that women didnt go along with fascism or support it in any way. If u knew anything about history u’d have heard of Magda Goebbels, Irma Grese, Eva Braun, Margaret Harker, Yukiko Sugishita etc.

    The same way that one woman having an abortion harms another woman; not at all.

    Abortions are about the liberty to do with onself as one wishes, what does this got to do with u blaming men for fascism? Having your gender (something where most people derive a majority of their identity) blamed for the entirety of facism and its hanouse actions isnt exactly fair or a good way to raise a child.

    It’s room temperature IQ weakling reactionaries like you that are harming young men. Real men stand against fascists.

    This is bad faith child-like insults not a civilised discussion of ideas undertaken by real adults. I stand against fascists and i will not let you paint me as one.

      16 days ago

      There are definitely issues affecting men, the only men listening to Tate are weaklings looking to a perceived ‘tough guy’ for answers.

      If u knew anything about history

      I would also know they didn’t get voted into positions of power, give speeches, command invasions or otherwise directly wield any power. Because they were living in patriarchal societies. Please think before you comment.

      Abortions are about the liberty to do with onself as one wishes, what does this got to do with u blaming men for fascism?

      As much as calling out fascists has to do with impacting the political views of non-fascists. There’s an Explain Like I’m Five sub somewhere you could post this question to.

      If you don’t want to be insulted you should avoid entering conversations by parroting the views of rapists.

      • There are definitely issues affecting men, the only men listening to Tate are weaklings looking to a perceived ‘tough guy’ for answers.

        Yes exactly, im simpky saying thwy wouldnt be listening if he hadnt resonated with their issues.

        I would also know they didn’t get voted into positions of power, give speeches, command invasions or otherwise directly wield any power. Because they were living in patriarchal societies. Please think before you comment.

        If we go back to your original claim that facism is entirely mens fault and this claim that women had no power does this make these women innocent? Also by ur logic men did literally everything else including go to war to fight facsism. You implication here is that its not human history but mans history and if i where i women id find that pretty demeaning.

        As much as calling out fascists has to do with impacting the political views of non-fascists. There’s an Explain Like I’m Five sub somewhere you could post this question to.

        If you don’t want to be insulted you should avoid entering conversations by parroting the views of rapists.

        Again attacking the person is not good faith discussion i refuse to engage in bad faith insults.