• davidagain@lemmy.world
      16 days ago

      You find it implausible that they would lie and lie in an unconvincing and transparently bad way? Where have you been this century?

      But if not, I expect it’s just some random trump fanboy wearing a diaper in support or something.

      Trump appeals to people because they see him as someone who told them that it’s OK to be stupid and racist as long as you’re not a democrat, an immigrant, a woman or black, or a supporter of said folk.

      • tee9000@lemmy.world
        16 days ago

        Edited because i was being an asshole: To me it seems like this post isnt true, and is a meme meant to get upvotes and be funny.

          • tee9000@lemmy.world
            16 days ago

            When a random image/text makes a claim, such as saying trump tried to pass off an ai generated image of himself as real, you might consider its not true.

            Just because trump might not be someone i would trust, doesnt mean i should trust anything and everything that insults him, especially when that thing is nothing more than a jpeg with no information about where it came from.

            So, in order to be a good participant of the internet, and to help avoid the perpetuation of disinformation, i would want to ask if the image has merit before accidentally forming some opinion on the matter. Or maybe even independently try to verify if its true through other sources. So far, nobody has been able to verify anything that suggests i should believe trump did this. So i think i wont be believing anything like this happened (yet).

            Edit: and sorry for coming off as condescending in my first comment. I could have just been more straight forward with you instead of trying to comment something that i expected to be upvoted more. I really kind of caved to the karma system and the social pressure it creates.

            • davidagain@lemmy.world
              16 days ago

              In all honesty I think a real Trump supporter made the image.

              I’m not sure that Trump needs defending from claims that he made up some fake, crass, self-serving lie involving a church, though, even if this particular one wasn’t him, so I’m not sure why everyone’s so cross with me for entertaining the possibility.

              Maybe it’s because I made fun of some of his supporters for wearing diapers in support of him, but I think it’s exactly the sort of idiotic behaviour that’s worth calling out.

              Perhaps it’s because I said Trump helps stupid racist xenophobic misogynists feel good about all that by being their shining beacon in the nighttime of people annoyingly asking them to be considerate and polite, but I’m not sure being considerate and polite to such folk has got us very far in dissuading them.

              • tee9000@lemmy.world
                16 days ago

                Some people just want to hate on trump and hate on people who we percieve to be standing for the wrong things in the world and that makes sense to me. If you are just joking around on here then i get that.

                I would say if you are trying to have an end goal like getting other people to agree with you about hating trump then i think its really important to not lie to reach that goal, or use disinformation to reach that goal. I dont think you are lying when you say you believe a trumper made it, for example, but assuming what you see is true because an ally posted it, is very possibly passing on disinformation and its effects can be just as bad.

                If both sides are lying or using disinformation then i personally wouldnt know what to think about who is right. I think its really important to seek truth first, and then base our arguments on that… even if the other side is quicker to respond with lies, or is more convincing with lies.

                Just be honest and dont be afraid to ask dumb questions so your opinions are built on a foundation thats real above all else. The idiots are those pretending to be experts and causing mass confusion, no matter what political stance.

                Thats my thoughts on the current state of social media and stuff.

              • GreyEyedGhost@lemmy.ca
                16 days ago

                While I don’t think this is beneath Trump, I was also pretty interested if he’d endorsed or otherwise claimed or approved of it, mainly because he’s committed enough misdeeds that we don’t need to add false claims to disparage him. Let him fall because of his own actions, lies aren’t necessary.