• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    Who dreams this up?

    Nobody. Nobody dreamt it up. They are just remembering the hard reality of the early 90’s and the before times.

    You know, before everyone was connected and online 24/7/365. Before “online” meant anything.

    When you left your 9-5 job, drove home listening to the radio, because you didn’t have anything else to listen to, and got home to dinner on the table because you didn’t need your spouse to work for a living to make ends meet, in your home that you were able to purchase, and food that wasn’t largely artificial.

    The phone would ring during dinner, and it would just keep ringing, because you’re spending time eating with your family. There was no answering machine, so it would just ring and ring.

    And if nobody ever answered it, they couldn’t tell you to get back to the office because some emergency happened.

    Maybe you went to the park, maybe you were out to dinner with the Mrs… Maybe you just didn’t care enough to pick up the phone. Anything could have happened.

    Unlike today, where we’re bombarded by marketing and notifications constantly. All of which are demanding that you address them ASAP. Everything is an emergency, so put down your “three ingredients away from plastic” dinner, and pick up your master, and obey.

    I am all out of bubble gum.