• solsangraal@lemmy.zip
    1 month ago

    “What happens if you have an event in the office and it’s closed? Or you have an emergency somewhere, and you have to get a hold of them at two in the morning because it affects the job they’re working on?” he questioned.

    sounds like a not my fucking problem

    i haven’t had a ton of jobs, but at every interview i’ve ever had, i made sure it was clearly understood by everyone in he room and put in writing that as far as the job is concerned, i simply don’t exist between EOD and 8am.

    • InternetUser2012@lemmy.today
      1 month ago

      Feel free to call me after hours. Just be aware, I charge $50 for answering the call up to 9am, $100 after that and $25 per five minutes I’m on the phone. If I’m required to log into a computer, $100 additional for the login, and again $25 per five minutes I’m on it. If you call me back before work hours, the prices double. Don’t like it? Don’t fucking call me. Want to fire me for it? Good luck, I’ll collect unemployment and drag it out as long as humanly possible while taking a much needed break before getting a better job.

      • indepndnt@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        One time I got a mass email from the director’s assistant telling us to send them our cell phone numbers. I was quite irritated, so I ignored it initially to calm down and think of a rational response. Anyway, the following week the director was dead, I’m sure there was no connection.