“Objective/objectivity.” berdly-actually I know it has a dictionary definition that is technically fine, but when applied to opinions to sound more facty, or used to veil corporate media bias under false pretenses, it became a very tiresome word to read and hear all the time. berdly-smug

“It’s the X, stupid!” This is an old one that was everywhere in the 90s, starting with “it’s the economy, stupid!” that was pitched by billdawg and echoed by much younger wine liberals back when they were mostly known for waving their plastic water bottles everywhere and fretting about what studies say wine drinking was actually good for you (go buy more wine) but weren’t quite WASPy alcoholics in denial yet. The slogan was repetitive and smug like some sort of primordial substance that eventually congealed to become Reddit.

maybe-later-honey 🍷 🍷 maybe-later-kiddo

“Reality bytes!” Same, 90s shit, easy home run among credulous consumers of magazines and newspapers back then. If it was tech related, one could say “reality bytes!” and bask in relevance and hipness. cringe

EDIT: Oh yeah, one more, because fuck 90s slang: “reality check.” Fuck reality checks. Said by the same smug liberals when condescending to other people that disagreed with them the same way a lot of federated lemmy liberals do in the present day, except the contemporary ones tend to amp up the ableism. smuglord