I’m a nerd but not to the point I’m ready to install my own servers.
Is there a way for folks like me to set up and run a Lemmy, or is that reserved for the technical experts?
On the old site, I think one of the unspoken benefits was that anyone could create and run a sun
Thank you, but I hope you can understand that these steps are still very technical for someone who doesn’t do this work otherwise
Install Docker if you don’t already have it
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ubergeek77/Lemmy-Easy-Deploy
Change into the directory
cd ./Lemmy-Easy-Deploy
Check out the latest tag
git checkout $(git describe --tags
git rev-list --tags --max-count=1
)Copy config.env.example to config.env
cp ./config.env.example ./config.env
Make sure the DNS records for your domain point to your server
Edit the config.env file, and at minimum, change LEMMY_HOSTNAME to be your domain. Then…