My question to you guys here is :

Do you like watching South Park? If not, why?

I understand that the jokes in it can rub a lot of people the wrong way especially when they make fun of religious groups, race and current day first world problems.

Personally I’ve enjoyed the show ever since I watched earlier seasons on DVD years ago. I just find the humor and some of the moments give you that shock kind of laughter “They really put that in there??”

So what’s your view? Do you watch it? Do you hate it? You thought of watching it?

Let me know!

    4 months ago

    In general, yes. I’ve kept up since it first started airing, and it has its highs and lows, with some seasons better than others. But overall I like it.

    Generally, I find that the best seasons were 5ish to 15ish. Before that it was a bit too simplistic and crude, and the joke about Kenny dying got old. After that there was a bit too much focus on politics. Sure, it always has to some degree, but I didn’t find the Tegrity Farms , PC Principal/babies, and President Garrison storylines that good.

    One exception dto the above is that episode (I don’t remember when, or what the name was), where everyone started treating The Economy like some diety that they shouldn’t anger. It was a response to the 2008/2009 economic issues, so I guess it must’ve aired shortly after that. I just find the entire arc of that episode hilarious, from the economic forecasts and monetary values being dictated by a weird ritual involving a headless chicken, and to Kyle sacrificing himself by taking on all people’s debts.

    Honorable mentions of episodes I really like: Casa Bonita, Awesome-O, Cartman dies, Good times with Weapons, The Coon (and the related episodes). And of course, the Game of Thrones parody. And I absolutely love the plot/naming twist of “The Big Fix”. And what was the name of that episode that is partially depicted in the style of a Blair Witch found footage, where Craig really doesn’t want to be part of the story/plot, but ends up as one anyway.