I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now. So, where will it stop? Have the Israeli government ever spoken about this?

  • Caveman@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    What kind of bubble do you live in? If you take 2 million people, close their airspace, ports and land borders they’re not going to be happy.

    On top of that Israel does the following:

    • imprison kids for throwing rocks at soldiers wearing armor
    • take people’s houses, most recently in Sheikh Jarrah
    • Ban farmers from using water, promise water from other sources and don’t deliver.
    • Close West Bank Airport
    • Settle lands in he West Bank.
    • Make Palestinians go to Military court with 99% conviction rate instead of a civil court.
    • Administrative detetention without giving any reason. (Because classified)
    • Withold evidence from courts that’s used to convict them. (Because classified)
    • Settlements are both within the 1948 borders and even within the Olso accord Green line.
    • Beat people up and throw tear gas that go play at Al-Aqsa mosque.
    • Don’t convict any settlers of violence.
    • Fondle women at check points when they open the trunk of their cars.
    • Limit imports to single item per pallet.
    • Limit work visas.
    • Limit family reunification as a way to immigrate across the border.
    • Random checkpoints that destroy tourism such as in Jericho.
    • Open policy of disproportial response to every reaction the Palestinians have.
    • Raid refugee camps and destroy their roads like in Jenin.
    • Kill journalists that cover the story such as Shireen Abu Akleh
    • Don’t even convict the murdered because he was a soldier.
    • Oh and kill/wound 5% of Gaza, half of which are children, for good measure.

    When people are suffocating because someone has their foot on their throat they react. Nobody should be surprised that Oct 7 happened. Especially after Israel was warned many times that they would do something if they continue raiding one of the holiest sites in Islam.