My partner is into DS9 and suggested we watch some last night. For some reason episode 1 was not available on Amazon Prime.(?) We watched Past Prologue and A Man Alone. As someone who is only barely familiar with the Star Trek universe, here are my thoughts:

  • Sisko is a fantastic leader and also terrifies me. His smile makes me uneasy. “Go over my head again, and I’ll serve yours on a platter.”

  • Kira’s morality is super questionable and I’m amazed they didn’t kick her off the station after episode 2.

  • Bashir is a dork and also needs to take a hint and leave Dax alone. Clearly they aren’t interested.

  • I do love Dax as a sort of early mainstream media conversation starter on gender. The Trill overall are just a brilliant way to frame the idea of how gender and sex work.

  • It’s rough seeing Odo so accustomed to hatred. When he just dips behind a glass door to watch as a mob call for his death…

I’m surprised by the level of dysfunction in the crew. I sort of always saw Star Trek as a bunch of Space Paladins that always did the right thing but in DS9 everyone has their own motives and interests and it’s super interesting to watch them come together. I think I’ll keep watching and see where things go.

  • Maven (famous)
    1 year ago

    That level of dysfunction is exactly what I love so much about DS9. These are PEOPLE! They just met! Everyone there is desperately trying to rebuild from a massive war and just trying to hold everything together as long as possible… There isn’t a single team that would be fully functional under all of that. They get better as crewmen as they get to know each other better which is exactly how teams work in real life too. It’s great!