People wearing a mask during protests in North Carolina could face extra penalties if arrested, under proposed legislation that critics say could make it illegal to wear a mask in public as a way to protect against COVID-19 or for other health reasons.

Republicans supporters say the legislation, which passed its first committee Tuesday, was prompted in part by the recentĀ wave of protests on universitiesĀ nationwide ā€” including at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ā€” againstĀ Israelā€™s war in Gaza.


While the main thrust ofĀ the billĀ enhances penalties for people wearing a mask during a crime or intentionally blocking traffic during protests, most concerns centered on the health and safety exemption. According to theĀ billā€™s summary, people could no longer wear masks in public for medical reasons.


When asked by Batch if someone wearing a mask for health purposes in public would be violating the law, a legislative staff member said it would, because the bill repeals the exemption.

    4 months ago

    As an aside, if assholes would get their fucking shots and stop willingly spreading disease we wouldnā€™t have incredibly valid health concerns and want to wear a mask in public spaces.

    You should also be free to be anonymous in public, which is what they have a problem with.