• spujb@lemmy.cafe
    6 months ago

    Okay I’m really close to TLDRing you and just blocking but here’s one last shot in case you are literally just this ill informed. Please take this to heart as I am exhausted of having to explain this.

    BLM the corrupt organization =/= BLM the decentralized movement. This disconnect is well knowing among BLM protesters and if you had payed any attention you would know this.

    “Shouldn’t require global effort” bad faith and what the hell. I gave you an example, now you provide a successful populist movement that didn’t do organized protests?

    “How so? What Changed? I don’t believe anything happened.” Literally intentional blindness. Some examples of police reform initiatives that gained traction following the Black Lives Matter protests include:

    1. Ban on chokeholds and neck restraints: Several cities and states implemented bans or restrictions on the use of chokeholds and neck restraints by law enforcement officers.

    2. Use of body cameras: Many police departments expanded the use of body-worn cameras to increase transparency and accountability in police interactions with the public.

    3. De-escalation training: There has been a push for increased training for police officers in de-escalation techniques to reduce the use of force in encounters with civilians.

    4. Community policing initiatives: Some cities have invested in community policing programs aimed at building trust and collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve.

    5. Civilian oversight boards: There have been efforts to establish civilian oversight boards or review panels to provide independent oversight of police departments and investigate complaints of misconduct.

    6. Ending or reforming qualified immunity: There have been calls to reform or abolish qualified immunity, which shields government officials, including police officers, from being held personally liable for constitutional violations.

    Was it enough, problem solved? Fuck no. But “I don’t think anything happened” is such a fucking disingenuous take it’s kind of sickening.

    And honestly I don’t know that you even have a point for the rest of the comment. You’re chirping on and comparing an insurrection where people died to nonviolent protests to … sports for some reason? Absurd parallels to draw. Go and read about the methods of MLK era demonstrations I’m done with this.

    • Melvin_Ferd@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Okay I’m really close to TLDRing you and just blocking but here’s one last shot in case you are literally just this ill informed. Please take this to heart as I am exhausted of having to explain this.

      Its a dismissive start and a trend I don’t enjoy seeing on forums and sites where communication is the backbone of it. I guess the intention is to disparage and put you above myself. Something I saw a lot on reddit. Something I was hoping didn’t trend over here.

      BLM the corrupt organization =/= BLM the decentralized movement. This disconnect is well knowing among BLM protesters and if you had payed any attention you would know this.

      And this is where protestors and the left in general shit the bed. They ignore how social all of this is.

      Perception is reality.

      One of the biggest fails on all modern protesters part is perception. Perception is reality and they often allow the other side to shape the narrative. That is what I am saying in all of this. This is such a basic concept it goes all the way back to Plato and the allegory of the cave. The fact it happened is proof of what I am saying. These causes are driven by unorganized, ineffective people who do not plan leading to ineffective actions that harm the cause they are fighting for. For the past decade I have watched this play out over and over and over again. Stuff like this was common.

      And for the progress you described. We still see that its extremely rare anyone that police are held accountable cops are still doing what they do and in another 10 years we’ll see the same shit with police vs the public. But look at the scale. It was a world wide mobilization and the result was a bunch of half measures like “training” and “looked into setting up new committees” all the while the police budgets have ballooned. Just a few weeks ago there was two cops firing pistols after one was hit by an acorn. Police still find ways to turn body cameras off.