Supreme Court JusticeĀ Clarence Thomas, 75, sparked raised eyebrows over his whereabouts when he was absent during oral arguments on Monday, and the Court provided no explanation.

Chief JusticeĀ John RobertsĀ addressed Thomasā€™ lack of presence, according toĀ NBCĀ Newsā€™ Lawrence Hurley, saying that Thomas ā€œis not on the bench todayā€ but would ā€œparticipate fullyā€ in the two cases being argued based on the briefs and transcripts.

ā€œContext that may or may not be helpful: In the recent past, Justice Thomas phoned into oral arguments when he couldnā€™t attend in person, allowing him to ask questions remotely. He isnā€™t doing so this time,ā€Ā wroteĀ Slate reporter Mark Joseph Stern on X, formerlyĀ Twitter.

    6 months ago

    When reached for comment Chief Justice Roberts relayed the events that occurred that morning leading to Justice Thomasā€™s unplanned absence. ā€œI called him up and said, dude, youā€™re on the schedule to work this morning. Where the hell are you? And he said ā€˜bro, Iā€™m like totally hung over. I was partying with these insurrectionists last night at a rooftop rave rolling my balls off. Babe, can you hand me that water bottle? No, that wasnā€™t talking you Bob. Can you, like, call Ruth to cover?ā€™ And Iā€™m like ā€˜Hey asshole, Iā€™m tired of covering your damn shifts. Ruth doesnā€™t work here anymore, and you know that. Get your ass in here or Iā€™m marking you as ā€˜unexcused absenceā€™. And heā€™s like ā€˜no can do, bro. Iā€™m Audi 5000 today, see ya!ā€™ and then he totally hung up! I swear, I donā€™t even think he wants this job anymore. I wish heā€™d fuckinā€™ quit already.ā€

    Wow, I never knew such drama exists so high in our third brand government. Is this what the framers intended?