Donald Trump said on Monday he would appeal the scheduling of a March 2024 trial over his alleged efforts to subvert his 2020 election defeat, though legal experts said such a move was not possible before a verdict is reached in the case.

“I will APPEAL,” Trump said in a post on his Truth Social platform. He did not say how or when the appeal would be made.

    1 year ago

    For those who still don’t know how Trump operates…

    This is not some kind of grand master plan. Trump doesn’t have the mental capacity to formulate a plan for anything. Trump just says or does whatever sounds good right fucking now, and deals with the fallout later. Mostly with more of the same tactics.

    Trump is going to appeal anything. If Chutkan signs something with a blue pen, he’s going to appeal saying that using blue ink shows she’s a secret part of the Democrat Deep State who has been a part of the Never Trump movement since 1972. He’ll file the appeal in Bumfuck, Idaho despite that court having no jurisdiction. And when that gets thrown out, he’ll appeal that. It’s just the way he works.

    And the thing is, it’s effective. He knows that 99% of his appeals are frivolous nonsense. He knows that 99% of them are never going to work. But it still takes time. It’s common for a case to be held up because of motions filed that haven’t been resolved yet, even if they’re frivilous. Some of these motions are also going to require hearings of their own. Will they be successful? 99% of the time, no. But each motion has the potential to cause delays. Could be days. Could be weeks. But delays nonetheless, and that’s all Trump cares about.

    Trump is trying to push this until either after the election or until after he’s dead. And given the timeframe we’re talking about, one key delay may be all he needs to never actually see the inside of a courtroom. His entire “plan” is akin to a toddler throwing his toys around just to annoy mommy for trying to put him in a time-out.