It has long been the case that American women are generally more liberal than American men. But among young Americans, this gender gap has widened into an enormous rift: According to recent Gallup polling, there is aĀ 30-point differencebetween the number of women age 18ā€“30 who self-identify as liberal and the number of men in that demographic who do the same.

Thatā€™s largely because young women have gottenĀ muchĀ more liberal, while young men have stayed ideologically more consistentā€”or, according to other analyses, become more conservativeĀ and anti-feminist. (Of course, not every person identifies as a man or woman. But gender roles still play a big part in shaping our lives and politics, and in the context of this column, I am focusing mostly on the vastĀ majority of AmericansĀ who identify as one or the other.) Itā€™s not happening just here either; the political divide between the sexes is a trend thatĀ researchers are observingĀ in some other countries too.

    6 months ago

    Ahh yes, I forgot. Anything that runs counter to your expert opinion is condescending.

    Sounds like a perfectly legitimate rebuttalā€¦

      6 months ago

      Letā€™s see, you said I was reductive, Iā€™m overdramatic, Iā€™m a misanthrope, Iā€™m seeking absolution, Iā€™m intentionally misinterpreting things, Iā€™m pedantic, Iā€™m constantly detailing conversations with women, Iā€™m pretending to be an expertā€¦

      I was trying to have a conversation about the state of feminist discourse, and youā€™ve tried to make it about me at every turn, to the point that youā€™re constantly making shit up about me. So now that I think about it, youā€™re worse than condescending. Youā€™re an asshole who responds to disagreement with insults and then you have the gall to accuse me of doing what youā€™ve been doing the whole time. Big narcissist energy, bud.

      Feel free to keep wasting your time disparaging me, since you seem to be enjoying it so much, but Iā€™m done with this sad excuse for a conversation.

        6 months ago

        I was reductive

        No, I said that the women who claim it is all menā€™s fault were using reductive reasoning. I then said your generalization about them was utilizing similar reductive reasoning.

        misanthrope, Iā€™m seeking absolution

        You said misogyny was different because it was internalized. My rebuttal was that misanthropy is also internalized.

        Iā€™m intentionally misinterpreting things

        I said people who share that that particular belief often intentionally misinterpret things. But thatā€™s not exactly rare for people to believe in things that suit their interest.

        overdramatic, pretending to be an expertā€¦

        Those I meant, but that was after you had your little fit.

        was trying to have a conversation about the state of feminist discourse, and youā€™ve tried to make it about me at every turn,

        You made it about you when you kept using anecdotal evidenceā€¦ Iā€™m not making this about you, you just keep interpreting it that way. Even though you claim these arenā€™t your beliefs, you keep saying Iā€™m making things personal when Iā€™m criticizing the belief.

        Youā€™re an asshole who responds to disagreement with insults and then you have the gall to accuse me of doing what youā€™ve been doing the whole time. Big narcissist energy, bud


        keep wasting your time disparaging me

        You have a penchant for taking things wildly out of context and making the whole conversation about you.