At risk of beating the dead horse…

These god damn liberals keep harping over how Joe Biden is the “lesser evil” compared to Donald Trump, necessitating that we go out and vote for him come November lest our flawless democratic system give way to fascism. “Something something incrementalism purity test push him left do you want Trump to win???”

In 2020, it could be feasibly argued, if poorly, that Joe Biden was, in fact, the “lesser evil.” Donald Trump was the president, and Joe Biden was not. Given the dual assumption that Donald Trump was a “substandard” president and that Biden would likely be at least “standard” quality, this made some sense. But the cards are on the table now. All of our most fearful suspicions about a Biden presidency have been utterly validated, and that’s not even counting all the atrocities people scarcely imagined him committing or lacked the capacity to predict altogether. He is more evil than we could have possibly known.

All these same libs are now in a bind. Apparently, Biden HAS to be the Democratic ticket, so he HAS to be elected president, because otherwise Trump would win, and that would be bad, wouldn’t it? The only problem is that Biden, the Anointed One, quite literally has no redeeming qualities. So what do you do to convince people to vote for Biden in spite of literally every crime he has committed and every promise he neglected to fulfill?

The most popular strategy is seemingly to just insist, with zero supporting evidence or even reasoning, that Trump’s America is just an objectively worse version of Biden’s America. Everything will be worse under Trump. Everything. Yes, Biden has failed in almost every respect and has actively worked against what he promised to his constituents, and yes, nothing has improved under Biden and in fact almost everything has generally become worse, but Trump will do all those bad things even harder! So you have to vote for Biden. Or you’re making the world worse. You fascist.

At risk of being the Russian troll living inside everyone’s walls, can we take a moment to appreciate the degree to which the discourse has degenerated? “Vote for the lesser evil” used to mean that we were expected to make “compromises” with politicians we didn’t completely agree with or even took some issues with to avoid aggressive fragmentation within the Democratic Party, a sacrosanct institution representing all that is good in the world. This is perhaps the first election I’ve ever seen where we are not even being promised marginal progress. We are not even being offered different poisons to pick. The same toxic politics of the fascist right have been watered down by the “adults in the room,” and we are expected to not only drink but be thankful it’s not even more concentrated than it is.

Vote Biden 2024: It could be worse!

  • vaquera
    7 months ago

    I honestly can’t tell about the stuff regarding trump and wanting to formalise like the fascist state and whatever like “threaten democracy” thing the libs say.

    it’s very hard to know imo what actual threat exists there. like I mean I guess the guy could try to stay in power too long, but I’m not really sure what materially that would do? I think the people who are really gonna pay the cost for this stuff are immigrants and I think they’ll pay the cost regardless of who’s in power based on bidens very open insane shift to the right on that. obviously like foreign policy is shit anyways, the palestinians are gonna pay the price no matter what.

    in terms of issues like LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, other minority rights, that’s all measurably worse across the country than it was in 2020, and I honestly think the public is tired of hearing about it. Americans “across the aisle” seem to have plenty of anti immigrant sentiment tho.

    I guess what I mean is that like, if trump stays in power for a decade, we’re all still gonna go to our wage worker jobs, struggle to afford housing and healthcare, immigrants will be locked up and the cops will be racist murderers so, like what does it even matter.

    I do kinda hope that getting rid of the illusion of choice might help radicalise people idk. I usually do vote in some elections especially locally but tbh after the genocide and all this shit I just threw the thing away this year, I’m done with all of it