Republican lawmakers in several states have resurrected and expanded the fight over whether transgender people may use bathrooms and other facilities that do not match their sex assigned at birth.

At least one bill goes so far as making it a crime for a transgender person to enter a facility that doesn’t match the sex listed on their birth certificate.

The debate has been popping up in statehouses across the nation in recent months, predominantly in conservative, rural states, including at a hearing of the Arizona Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee in February. Proponents of that state’s SB 1628, which defines “male,” “female,” and other terms through rigid definitions of biological sex, argued that women’s rights are at stake. Opponents disagreed and said the language would erase transgender people from state statute and remove legal protections.

  • Ms.
    8 months ago

    I’m trans and I actually do carry a copy of my birth cert sometimes. If I don’t know how a certain area is going to react to me I bring it because I’ve had my gender marker changed. Fortunately never been in a situation where I’ve needed to show it to anyone but yeah the concern is real