Warning: This lengthy article contains disturbing language and details of graphic evidence.

    • TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I believe these are all different heads of one Hydra, and they’ll either all be attacked at once, or they will attack first and there will be nobody to stop them.

      [Tate]'s a symptom of the capitalist disease. Essentially, he’s what happens when a person is hollowed out and nothing remains except capitalist ideology. My point is that they’re all garden variety scum, but they’re uplifted into power by a cultural corruption that’s as old as consciousness. The religions of old warned about this kind of mental programming when the dominant form of ignorance on the planet was building pyramids and colluseums.

      It runs so much deeper than even politics. Spiritual ignorance is a malignant mind virus. The genocide of Nazis is a symptom of spiritual corruption. I don’t suspect a conscious conspiracy as much as an approaching critical mass. This high energy state is unsustainable. Eventually there will be a short circuit that will ground this ignorance back into reality.