Why do so many companies and people say that your password has to be so long and complicated, just to have restrictions?
I am in the process of changing some passwords (I have peen pwnd and it’s the password I use for use-less-er sites) and suddenly they say “password may contain a maximum of 15 characters“… I mean, 15 is long but it’s nothing for a password manager.
And then there’s the problem with special characters like äàáâæãåā ñ ī o ė ß ÿ ç just to name a few, or some even won’t let you type a [space] in them. Why is that? Is it bad programming? Or just a symptom of copy-pasta?
The new NIST guidance is to have something long. Special characters don’t matter. So a good passphrase that you can remember > short line noise. NIST also recommends against constant password rotation, but to instead audit for dictionary attacks. See also: https://www.netsec.news/summary-of-the-nist-password-recommendations-for-2021/
Yes, it is bad programming. Of course, on the backend you must never store passwords in the clear. You should never grow your own hashing algorithm.