Why do so many companies and people say that your password has to be so long and complicated, just to have restrictions?
I am in the process of changing some passwords (I have peen pwnd and it’s the password I use for use-less-er sites) and suddenly they say “password may contain a maximum of 15 characters“… I mean, 15 is long but it’s nothing for a password manager.
And then there’s the problem with special characters like äàáâæãåā ñ ī o ė ß ÿ ç just to name a few, or some even won’t let you type a [space] in them. Why is that? Is it bad programming? Or just a symptom of copy-pasta?
What about Argon2id? What are the advantages of bcrypt?
I don’t really know the strong points of either, I’m not a cryptographer. Bcrypt gets recommended because its relatively fast, its decent, and most importantly its already in most environments
Bcrypt is slow on purpose; all these methods are. More importantly, though, bcrypt is very well studied. Scrypt and argon2 had to catch up, but should be fine at this point.
Argon2 is the best (secure) crypto currently.
That said, adoption is slow, Bitwarden only recently implemented it for example.
That said, due to Argon2 being security-oriented, the recommended settings for it are pretty heavy.